Teacher: “Dear child, as you call upon us and greet us every morning, we are joining you in your morning worship and we are assisting you in the process. You are creating a classroom space in your mind and as Teachers, we gladly respond to your invitation for us to provide you with higher teachings.
“Just as there is much you would like to share with your siblings if they only asked, there is much we want to share with you. We know the challenges of a human life and we monitor closely what is going on in your world and in your personal life so as to help you adjust your life decisions to the bigger picture that is constantly metamorphosing.
“Each action brings forth a reaction-- a response. It is like a giant chess game which occurs simultaneously at various interconnected levels. From our higher perspective, we are able to act as supervisors and to provide input whenever it is welcome.
“We plant many seeds in your mind and we nurture them with love, hoping that they will break through their shell and evolve to full bloom. Each bloom is beautiful and can get the attention of others searching to adorn their life with such beauty. A seed, buried deep in the ground, does not have such a power of attraction. It is filled with potentials but has to break through the ground to start getting noticed.
“As the fruits of Spirit are growing in your life, we will help you tender to your spiritual garden and fertilize it so that they can safely reach maturity and multiply through their own seeds. As you well know, patience is needed in the process. Pray for tranquility of spirit and cultivate patience. [UB 2048-04] Patience is also a fruit of Spirit and it is tightly connected with the Peace that passes all understanding. Whenever you are restless and feel pressured to make decisions, the best way to do so is to slow down and connect to your inner peace as it is the place where Spirit-led decisions are being made—away from all sorts of nervous energies which do not serve your highest good but rather burn your adrenals and weaken your being.”