The Inner Sherpa



“If you brother sins against you, go to him and with tact and patience show him his fault. And do all this between you and him alone.” [UB 1762:05]

Teacher: “As your Teachers from on High, we are speaking loving words of Truth. This is well worth pondering. Truth with a “T” is ALWAYS love infused. Truth has to find an echo in the heart—not only in the mind. The mind can identify it on a purely intellectual basis and this is helpful. Yet, it has to find its way to the heart in order to be productively put to good use.

“Being privy to higher Truth does not make one righteous. Living according to the Truth is what transforms one on the inner. The more one lives according to Truth, the more one comes to embody it and to personally validate it. Gems of Truth can be compared to tiny seeds being planted in the fertile ground of an open heart.

“Words of Truth may be released by passing many lips but are at the mercy of mental and emotional planetary currents and many of them get tossed around and drowned in the noisiness of human mental chatter—thus falling on deaf ears, like beautiful kites crashing on the ground for lack of gentle maneuvering and adaptation to the moody atmospheric pressures.

“Love and Truth cannot be divorced from Beauty and Goodness. They have the same Origin and the same Destination. Search for their presence within your heart and mind. Are they on board? Or are they missing in action?

“Scout for them and you will find them. Learn to express Love truthfully and to speak your Truth lovingly. Reforming your being will be your precious and very personal contribution to reforming your world. The Goodness and the Beauty that you will come to exude will be validation enough that this is the most effective transformative process. If you have nothing good to say, keep your peace rather than unleashing toxic energies. Be still and listen so that you can pick up on the divine currents that permeate the whole creation with True Love and Loving Truth.”

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