The Inner Sherpa



“Your world has been visited by four orders of sonship: Caligastia, the Planetary Prince; Adam and Eveof the Material Sons of God; Machiventa Melchizedek, the “sage of Salem” in the days of Abraham; and Christ Michael [incarnated as Jesus], who came as the Paradise bestowal Son.” [UB, 51:3.9]

Thought Adjuster:“The Fifth Epochal Revelation of The Urantia Book provides much-needed clarification about the philanthropic agenda of thesevisitors. They volunteered astroubleshootershailed from higher existential realms to act as spiritual uplifters and, in the case of Adam and Eve, asbiological accelerators.

Adam and Eve appeared in Mesopotamia after getting the go-ahead from on high. No wonder they felt out of sorts in their new and primitive surroundings that felt barbaric compared to the charmed existence they led in their former living quarters.

Upon landing on Ground Zero in provenance from Cloud Nine, it is natural to feel like a misfit. These heroic volunteers DID NOT FIT in this alternate reality. They came to alter it, offering an apprenticeship to its population TO MAKE IT FIT to ascend to higher realms of consciousness. Such was to be the saving grace of their earthly sojourns. The successful ones left a lasting spiritual imprint. They infiltrated the hot zones of enemy territory to extirpate suffering souls—winning them over to the side that promotes the collective best interests.

Those who linger by choice in lower realms of consciousness are the real misfits—unwilling to undertake the age-long and thrilling evolutionary travel toward the ever-higher realms of consciousness that are theirs by divine birthright.”

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