The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that the Divine is sending out many care packages. Some of them can be instantly conveyed to your mind as the mind is beyond time and space. It precedes them. This is why some more spiritually opened individuals can instantly receive mental downloads through the process of telepathy.

[Telepathy: a communication between minds by some non-technological means other than sensory perception.]

“The possibility of telepathic connections should validate as well the fact that you too can communicate instantly with Spirit. Such a communication needs to take place in the right setting; it has to be a peaceful setting as Peace is the petri dish for all the beautiful emotions attached to the messages of the highest vibrations.

“The Father and His associates have many care packages that are ready to be sent to the creatures of time. Yet, someone has to be home in order to sign for the delivery.

“Whenever you pray wholeheartedly, you are being heard. Yet, are you receptive? Are you focusing your mind toward the reception of the answer to your prayers? Or do you live absent-mindedly, doubting that it will be forthcoming?

“To live in a constant state of awareness is the key to remaining connected to All That Is and to be able to recognize whenever your care packages are being delivered. Don’t you think that such deliveries need to be joyfully acknowledged? Your joy and your gratitude are your energetic signatures on the “return receipt for merchandise.” Such emotions too will go straight to the Father’s heart, bypassing time and space.

“Think and feel consciously and you will be amazed at the expansion of your conscious reality. What is real to you is based on your personal experience. The more layers of reality you experience, the more your spiritual horizons expand and the richer your life content becomes.

“Whenever you are not “present” to receive your care package, Spirit has to postpone its delivery. By keeping an open mind and an open heart, you will be the grateful recipient of many special deliveries—many of them to be shared with your siblings in beautiful spiritual potlucks.”

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