The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The Voice of the Heart - Dear one, these words just came to your mind and you would like for Me to expand upon them. Yes, each heart does have a voice. Each heart is wired to be connected to the Divine Heart of Love. Love is the cosmic voice of the Father. The Father had first a love infused vision for His creation. His creative Word emanated from His heart.

“In human relationships, the heart filter is often bypassed in conversations and this leads to faulty creations. To be in alignment with God’s Will, each co-creation has to be love infused. This is the quality control that will grant or deny it the Divine seal of approval.

“The heart is the filter, the purifier. At least it has been intended to be so. Yet, on your world, you witness the separation between heart and mind at so many levels – starting within yourself. The emotions generated by your thinking are like the thermostat of your heart. Do they feel good and harmonious? Or are they tumultuous?

“By scrutinizing the Law of Cause and Effect within your emotional self, you can track your emotional journey back to its initial emotional trigger. Whenever you notice that your thinking bypasses your heart, you can consciously stop in your mental tracks and reassess the situation. Do come to Me as I will assist you in adjusting your thinking. This is my role: Thought Adjuster.

“A successful Thought Adjustment establishes the connection between the Voice of the Heart and the voice in the head. When it comes from the heart, the thinking process is sterilized so to speak. Any lower vibratory thinking is thus removed from the Love Blood Stream. Come to Me for that process as I have the blue print of your being and can safely guide your progress.”

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