The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I can take you places in your thinking where you have never been before. As you surrender your thinking to Me, I will shape it as a potter shapes the tender clay and turns it into a beautiful container.

Thoughts are tricky. They have a life of their own, even though many fail to see that and, due to their lack of awareness, generate dangerous thought forms that may become harmful to themselves and others. Indeed, depending on their content, thoughts can be toxic or enlightening. What do you let into your thinking? Darkness or light?

The quality of a person’s thinking is reflected on the outside and you are all conversant in reading faces. Someone entertaining heavy thoughts wears an ugly mask of darkness while an individual thinking cheerful thoughts glows in the face.

Everything starts at the thought level and trickles down from these invisible entities. Feelings wear matching outfits to the ones of your thoughts. By realizing how the Law of Cause and Effect works within you, you can work with it.

Furthermore, by also realizing that I dwell within you to help you adjust and control your thoughts toward thoughts of optimal quality, you can be tremendously strengthened in that process of thought filtering.

With My Light, I will cauterize your low-grade thinking. I will help you detach yourself from the downward and handicapping pull of heavy thoughts. You will witness your own inner transformation. I will insert into your thinking elements that will pique your interest and take you on brand-new mental tracks. I will quicken your gray matter and activate more of the dormant percentage of your brain capacity. Your inner life will thrive, as you will get in touch with your innate curiosity and start exploring with Me infinite avenues of thinking. You will become liberated from the mental patterns that are holding you back and constricting the flow of your thinking by their dead-ended narrow mindedness.

This is My promise to you—a promise that I can assuredly deliver.”

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