The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let’s talk about the necessity of grounding yourself in order to condition your inner sanctum. You are living in a physical body that is experiencing planetary life through its five senses. By learning to adequately ground yourself, you are placing your physical senses in an idling mode so to speak, and ensuring that your physical vehicle is safely ‘parked’ while you place yourself under the influence of Spirit.

“Visualize that you are growing deep roots into Mother Earth—that you are planted in her like a solid oak tree. You will thus remain very present in each moment, while allowing your mind to connect with higher spiritual realms. The tree is grounded in the nurturing soil while its trunk, branches, and leaves are being bathed by the sunlight and exposed to the winds and the moisture of the rain.

“Once you have completed the first phase of your conditioning, you can entirely focus on your spiritual experience. Placing the physical aspect of your being in a passive state allows you to be more receptive to the greater world out there. It sharpens your spiritual senses as they are no longer being put on the backburner. They are now the main contributors to your current experience.

“What is also of great import is that you reach a state of emotional balanced since emotional restlessness generates another type of disturbances in your being and prevents you from attaining the peace of heart and the peace of mind needed for you to be able to connect with the highest spiritual influences available to you.

“After spiritually walking from the ground floor to the first floor, you are now ready to access the top floor—the one where Spirit is waiting for you. By declaring your intention to connect with Spirit, you are focusing on Spirit—thus centering yourself.

“You are now grounded, balanced and centered, having fully shifted your whole being at all its levels from a state of restlessness to one of peacefulness. This process has to be fully completed before you can be ready for ‘takeoff.’ It is your check list and your flight plan as well. By adhering to it, it assures that you will safely reach your intended destination and avoid the risks of being spiritually high jacked by hostile spiritual takeovers.

“Not only are you the passenger, you are also the Air Marshal of your Spirit bound destination. You are in charge of maintaining your inner peace as any disruption would burst this precious spiritual bubble and bring you crashing down to your earthly reality without providing you sufficient opportunity to bring back with you pricelessspiritual memorabilia meant to sustain you until your next trip.”

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