The Inner Sherpa



“While the mind is not the seat of the spiritual nature, it is indeed the gateway thereto.” [UB 155:6]

Teacher: “Your spiritual growth is a masterpiece in the making—an intricate tapestry to which many beings of light contribute with your heartfelt permission. It is crucial that you actively partake in the sound development of your spiritual self—your soul—by devoting sufficient time to spiritualize your life’s content—a balancing act that encompasses its physical, intellectual, and emotional facets.

“If you wish to develop your intellect, you feed it with academic and thought-provoking knowledge, but this will not impact your physical appearance. As well, do not mistake intellectual contributions for spiritual nutrition. They are not of the same cloth—even though they are related. The role that your mind plays in your spiritual awakening and growth is a decisional one: It selects the object of its focus and makes allowances for such a process. It then passes the relay to your Indwelling Spirit and Its many benevolent Associates. When you sign up for the class, the Teachers’ Faculty shows up.

“Scrutinize your mental attitude, as it is, indeed, the gateway to your spiritual nature—the one with a promising, eternal future. Feed your Higher Self daily, rather than subjecting it to a harsh starvation diet. Diligently do your spiritual homework by practicing what you learn at the School of Divinity which is not just held on Sundays.

“By actively interacting with your Indwelling Spirit, you will benefit from Its attentive ‘homeschooling.’ Commune with Him daily, and it will significantly boost your spiritual mileage and efficiency.”

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