The Inner Sherpa



By definition, taste buds contain the taste receptor cells, which are also known as gustatory cells. They are located around the small structures known as papillae found on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus, the cheek, and epiglottis. On average, the human tongue as 2,000-8,000 taste buds.

Thought Adjuster: There is so infinitely more to life than what meets the eye. Your vision is just one of your senses that help you explore your holographicreality – what is real to you in your human experience.

What about your taste buds?

Let us zoom on that complex sense of your being that is taken for granted and yet so complex. Isn’t the fact that you have been endowed with the gift of taste buds another proof of the loving intention behind your conception? Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are multidimensional as well and some of their many facets can be experienced through the medium of your physical senses. Your taste buds allow you to explore the TLC put in your food. The Father intended for you to have a pleasant gastronomic experience and His Helpers engineered an extensive variety of palatable foods, dressing them in attractive colors and clothing them in a multitude of shapely outfits.

Indeed, here too the key word is diversity. Diversity keeps boredom at bay. Your taste buds are another proof of this universal trend. You could survive on a blend and generic diet that would contain all the needed vitamins and nutrients. Yet, many freebies have been provided for your ‘en-joy-ment.’ Can’t you gather from the testimonies of your little taste buds that the potential of joy is present everywhere?

Your taste buds are amazing in their complexity. They are like a software that allows you to detect the texture, the temperature, the degree of saltiness or sweetness of a food, and more. They quickly dispatch warning signals to your brain if the food is unsafe: too hot, stale, spoiled, and more. They have been conceived for your safety and your enjoyment. Isn’t that what loving parents do for their children?

Dear ones, learn to embracelife’s miracles! Become alert observers of what constitutes your current reality. So many things, small and big, will start acquiring a sharper definition and will give rise to an ongoing attitude of gratitude. You will come to KNOW for a fact how loved and blessed you are from the cradle to eternity!”

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