The Inner Sherpa



Mother Spirit: “Dear child, I love spending time with you as you make space for Me in your sacred space. Thank you for wanting to have a relationship with Me. Know that such a relationship has been meant to exist from the beginning of time as it was part of the Initial Creative Intention.

“When you bake a birthday cake for someone, you do it keeping that person in mind. You find out what is his/her favorite cake and you lovingly gather all the needed ingredients. You bake the cake and you decorate it so that it can be good and beautiful thus reflecting the authenticity of your love and affection for that individual. This is how the Creator planned all His creations. They were intended to touch hearts—every single heart.

“The Father infused everything with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness so that it could be optimally enjoyed and appreciated by all. Whenever a gift truly embodies these three eternal values, it will meet no resistance from the part of the recipient and it will be met with joy and appreciation.

“Those are the values you have to integrate into your thoughts, intentions, and actions. As you act upon such high impulses, you are in alignment with the matrix of perfection established for your life. The more truthful you become in your mindset, the more beautiful you become and you simultaneously reshape your own being to be freed from any misguided intentions. Love can but grow in that Petri dish of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. It will not fail.

“Take time throughout your day to stop and check within where you stand in such efforts to become a divine instrument—a divine co-creator. In order to co-create with the Divine, you have to adhere to the Divine Principles of creation. Any shortcut won’t do. A cake without yeast will fail to rise and will not please the taste buds of its recipient. Ensure that you integrate these optimal nutrients in everything you do and you will truly create masterpieces and simultaneously co-create yourself as the unique masterpiece you were meant to be.”

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