Oregon, US of A, May 22, 2016
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you access the Stillness and intentionally expand that inner experience, you get to taste the benefits of such a time-out from the worldly busyness. So many nerves are frazzled as many human beings do not take the time to regroup by withdrawing from the constant external stimuli – many of them self imposed. This sadly results in many strained states of mind or even volatile relationships.
“Your Master Jesus understood at a very young age the need to go within in order to get personal quality time with His Father. Wise time management benefits the overall individual productivity. An engine that is running 24/7 is doomed to get fried as it will reach a point of overheating that is detrimental to its functioning. It will then be forced into time-out so that it can cool down. In worst case scenarios, it will have to be towed to a garage in order to be repaired by a competent mechanic. Who knows how long it will take to bring it back to a working condition?
“The same goes with the very complex organism of your being. An individual who endlessly pursues external activities is at high risk to experience a complete melt down—a breakdown that could affect multiple layers of his being. The immune system greatly suffers from constant stress; the adrenal glands get depleted; and the body may generate an emergency time-out by falling sick as a last resort to get the break it needed a long time ago. Wouldn’t prevention be much more preferable than having to fix things on an emergency basis?
“Eventually the physical exertion will trickle down to the emotional layers of the being and will snowball into mental exertion as well—mental breakdown. All this could be avoided by the simple daily Stillness Practice. It is the best healer for frazzled nerves and nervous overdrive. By taking some regular quality time out, you reap many positive benefits. It is like accessing an inner spa where your Higher Self pampers you with TLC and gets you infused with wonderful energies that simultaneously lift your spirits and prep you to reenter the outside world with a brand new attitude and a peaceful mind.
“A peaceful mind is the prerequisite for a peaceful life and a joyful heart. Those who are not able to subdue their nervous energies tend to exhibit more and more impatience toward others and themselves. They display bad moods and do not have positive life experiences.
“Dear ones, it is up to you to decide how you want to travel through your days. Your moods determine your inner weather and will color your experience. Isn’t it worth to consciously set your inner barometer to sunny weather or would you rather overcast your day and the day of those you come in contact with by sharing with them your inner storms and creating havoc through your unbalanced inner weather system? Bless others with your sunny disposition rather than victimizing them with your dark outbursts.”