“It is not as important to love all men today as it is that each day you learn to love one more human being.” [UB 1098:03]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the first relationships—or lack thereof—between animals and human beings were antagonistic. At the origin, the entire animal kingdom was the enemy of mankind and human beings had to learn to protect themselves against the animals. Much has improved since then and many loving relationships have been established between men and animals.
"Inter-human relationships had to undergo many stages as well and this planet has experienced constant warfare. Isn’t it time for men to recognize the brotherhood that has been clearly brought to their attention by the life and teachings of Jesus and many other enlightened beings? Isn’t it time to learn to tame the wild side of inter-human relationships? What would it take to dispel all the erroneous preconceptions and projections that are in the way of peaceful relationships?
"Some types of animals respond deeply to human contact and affection and thus can become domesticated. Dogs are man’s best friends. Isn’t it ironic that such relationships with animals so often take precedent over human friendships? Why is it so?
"Animals do not come from the head. They come from the heart. They do not judge their ‘masters’ but love them unconditionally and loyally if they are treated with decency and respect. Human beings tend to be very mental and to misread others as they frequently feel threatened by them. Due to the difficult human historical heritage, suspicion has become deeply engraved in the human mind—sometimes rightly so.
“Animals are connected to the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Intuition and they ‘instinctively’ sense who loves them and who represents a threat. Human beings also benefit from the invisible influence of the Spirit of Intuition but it seems that It does not work optimally within them as Its influence is clouded by many erroneous mental projections and blind belief systems. Your mind can only guide you so far; it needs the loyal collaboration of your openheart in order to guide you in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
“It has become increasingly difficult in these confusing times to ‘discern’ between Truth and untruth. Lies are so skillfully presented that they fool the masses into embracing them. Truths are being so distorted and so misrepresented that they are losing their power of attraction to the point where those who speak the truth are being demonized and hated while skillful liars are being idolized and given a recognition they did not rightfully earn.
“Isn’t it what happened to your Master Jesus when he walked on the earth? The very Son of God was so demonized and belittled that His tormentors felt entitled tonail Him to a cross while they cheerfully set Barabas free—a convicted felon!
“Dear ones, isn’t it time to learn from this heavy historical legacy? The only way to be guided in Light and Truth is to turn within rather than trusting the spotlights of the mass media, the subjective zooming in of their cameras and the constant gossip based on dangerous hearsay. You live in very confusing times and your political campaigns demonstrate such confusion. Some candidates tell you what you want to hear and others speak unpopular truths. Many messages are sugarcoated to hide the bitter pills buried under the sugar. Undeliverable promises are being made. Mud is being slung to distort the true picture. The worst rather than the best emotions are being triggered; anger, 'out-rage', and hate are showing their ugly heads.
“Isn’t it time to become civilized and domesticated, i.e. to act in a civil manner toward one another? Dear children of the earth, go within to find your bearings and to consult with the divine spiritual influences. The Spirit of Truth is ALWAYS available to you and is much underutilized. Yes, Truth can be painful to uncover if it makes you reassess your whole life. However, wouldn’t it better to face the music sooner than later? Wouldn’t it help mankind to jump forward rather than being held back? ‘The Truth shall set you free.’ This is a true promise—no strings attached!”