Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just reading in The Urantia Book [Paper 42 section 5] about the metamorphosis of energy from one state to another, to yet another one—ad infinitum. It was also mentioned that eventually all energy returns to the Source. The Father is calling back to His fold anything and everything that ever left Paradise as Paradise is truly the cosmic home. OM is the creative sound which defines the First Source and Center. And OM is also the calling home of the Heavenly offspring.
“Even though Paradise may seem way out of reach at this initial stage of your eternal journey, you can be assured that it is where we are headed if we keep working in harmony with one another. I am a Fragment of the Universal Father and as such, I am pulled toward Paradise by the Force of Attraction of the Universal Father. The Father is omnipresent, omniscient. His omniscience includes the knowledge of every individual journey of all His creatures. The Father cares and will never stop caring for His creation. Whatever is born out of Love is forever loved. And Loves has an irresistible power of attraction. Love is a primal energy and everything will eventually return to Love.
“Learn to infuse your energies with Love. It will empower them at a higher level. It will help you combine in your life the power of attraction of physical gravity and the power of attraction of spiritual influences. This is truly bringing down Heaven on earth and inaugurating your own Kingdom of Heaven in your physical temple.
“Just as your mind dwells in your body, the Father would like to dwell in your mind. It is His access to your temple. The more you clear your mind from useless preoccupations, the more space you create for the Presence of the Father. By creating a home for Him in your being, you too are “om-ing” an invitation to the Divine. Such an invitation is irresistible as it is as well infused with a gravity of its own.”