The Inner Sherpa



“Problematic situations, coupled with exertion stimuli, conspire to produce those activities of mind, soul, and spirit which contribute mightily to the achievement of worthy goals of mortal progression and to the attainment of higher levels of spirit destiny.” [UB Paper 154, section 2]

Thought Adjuster: “Isn’t it a fact that the best in man comes out under the worst of circumstances? Whenever a cataclysm or a tragedy strikes a populace, many heroic behaviors take place, where individuals, forgetting about themselves and moved by heartfelt empathy and compassion toward their unfortunate siblings, take heroic initiatives to be of assistance. Thus doing, they may surprise themselves, as many of them did not previously think ‘they had it in them’.

“Indeed, whenever the love force is set in motion by unusual circumstances that act as ‘soul fertilizers’, it brings forth the beautiful fruits of Spirit. As well, such challenging situations do not leave any room for laziness and complacency, as they put the human survival on the line and this cannot be ignored. They activate the whole ‘individual package’ consisting of body, mind, soul, and spirit to come up with solutions—winning strategies. This is when men come to realize that they amount to much more than their physical body and intellect.

“Indeed, such ‘problematic situations… conspire’ to bring about the spiritualization of the human soul. They are mightily transformative for those who, rather than meeting them with bitterness and resentment, acknowledge the new state of affairs and its ‘I dare you’—the challenges meant to speed up your metamorphosis toward your spiritual ‘butterfly status’. A challenging life is by far preferable to a boring one, where nothing happens to pique your interest and lead you to activate and get in touch with your dormant potentials.”

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