Thought Adjuster: “On this Valentine’s Day, many individuals are expressing their love and affection toward one another. This day became the symbol of love—mostly human love. Yet, the quality of Love can be expanded to include All That Is. This is how the Father bestows His Love as nothing in His entire creation is excluded from His Love. Everything has been intended to be a container—or rather a conduit—for Love.
“It is beneficial to scrutinize the content of your own life and assess how you are disbursing the love stored in your heart. Are you liberal with it or greedy? Do you limit the expression of your affection to your circle of friends and family?
“Everything that has been created by the Father has been equipped with a love receptacle. Some of these receptacles are running on empty as they are not connected to the Source or to one another. The purpose of the Correcting Time is to rectify what is malfunctioning—starting with the restoration of the flow of love in the human hearts.
“Your heart is very sensitive and whenever it feels vulnerable, it reacts like the oyster that comes in contact with a drop of lemon. It immediately shuts down whenever faced with unfriendly elements. Yet, it has within itself the power to stay open and to allow the love substance to keep flowing unhindered from its core like the powerful water stream ejected from a fire hydrant. Such a love jet is irresistible and can drench with its substance any loveless behaviors.
“Too often, human beings retreat before giving Love a chance to set things straight. The fear of being hurt triggers this premature shutdown. Jesus, while living in your world, kept stressing that the best response to maltreatment is to turn the other cheek—not to resort to the sword. Turning the other cheek creates a delay that allows time for reflection. “What would Jesus do?” is a wise question to ask in such moments as it allows for sound guidance to infiltrate your emotional space.
“Jesus always followed the path of Love with “L”. The Love that exuded from His being was not a pettytype of love that kept track of offenses and regulated its flow. The quality of His love was unconditional. He loved the hard-to-love--the sinners--and dedicated His life to win them over and bring them back to the Father’s loving embrace.
“Become more conscious lovers. Practice love in action throughout your days and witness the transformations that will magically take place in your life. An open heart is a thriving heart. It beats at a rhythm that is in alignment with the Father’s heartbeat—the cosmic heartbeat.”