The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “Dear child, thank you for coming to Me to confide about the issues you are dealing with in your life. You’ve got my ear and you’ve got my eternal promise that I will send the Spirit of Truth to dwell within you. The truth shall make you free was one of My mantra--one of My teachings.

“You may have experienced untruth through the lies and deceptions of others involved in your life. It is only natural to experience a feeling of betrayal and deep sadness. These individuals did not have the ability or the empathy to walk in your shoes. It is easy to forgive when you realize that someone’s offenses are due to ignorance—to a lack of insights.

“This is how I forgave. I knew that the pain inflicted on Me was due to human ignorance, closed mindedness and closed heartedness. Human beings tend to project on others their own misguided intentions. They read me as being ill-intended, as siding with the devil-- I was just the opposite.

“From My perspective, because My heart and My mind were at their rightful place—in alignment with the Divine Will—I could only respond with love and compassion as these were the emotions I was saturated with. Being faced with so much human suffering, My heart was broken and open.

“Dear ones, allow your broken hearts to be flooded with Divine Light--a Light is infused with Love. Love is infused with Forgiveness. This is the cycle of positive emotions you need to initiate through the exercise of your free will.

“Whenever I witness My earthly children doing this inner work, I know that My life bore its fruits. I know that the fruits of Spirit are still nurturing My children. The fruits of Spirit are of eternal value; they are sustainable and are to be shared from generation to generation.

“Those who sink into anger, resentment, and a desire for revenge, are not of my Tree. They are still attached to the crippled branches of the Tree of Evil. Each individual has to go within in order to inquire how to cut off any connections to unhealthy emotions. Ask for My help and I will provide it to you. Your asking is all it takes—the exercise of your will power to hire My services.

“Keep focusing on My light. I will seep into your conscious mind and your open heart whatever guidance is effective to help you emerge from your life challenges. Yes, dear one, there is a precious new lesson included in that whole scenario. You are being faced with a new riddle to solve and there is ALWAYS a heavenly way to deal with challenges-- a way that helps you climb higher on the ladder of ascension. Be grateful for small and big challenges are they are truly stepping stones.”

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