Thought Adjuster: “Let us look at your world from the perspective of Malevolence and Benevolence. On your planetary habitat, these two tendencies continually clash.
“Malevolence is to wish evil to others. By definition, it is malicious, hostile, evil-minded,baleful, venomous, malign, vicious, vindictive,maleficent, and more.
“Benevolence, its nemesis, is well meaning, kindhearted, big-hearted, good-natured, compassionate, caring, altruistic, humanitarian, philanthropic, generous, magnanimous, unselfish, and beneficent.
“As free-will creatures you determine your allegiances—consciously or unconsciously. Which attitude do you most frequently adopt? Do you resent others and direct curses at them, rejoicing when harm befalls them? Or do you feel empathy and compassion toward them, rejoicing at their successes and sending them loving blessings? How does that make you feel?
“By scrutinizing your life from this perspective, it will become very obvious to you whether you are a true disciple of Jesus, or if you just fool yourself in believing you are.
“Jesus was the poster boy for Benevolence. All His decisions promoted Goodness on the foundation of Truth. He never compromised nor watered down His innate benevolence. He did not allow for petty differences of opinion to close His heart to those who did not think alike. He saw each one of them as His brothers and sisters and never passed judgment on anyone.
“Do not allow for your dissident opinions to sever your family ties. Opinions are just that. They are neither absolute nor infallible, while the core values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness are absolute and unchanging—safe to embrace and practice.
“The Golden Rule of treating others as you want to be treated will strip you from any remnants of malevolence and help shape you into a being of light.
“Beware of malevolence; it is a soul poison. Yours is to break the cycle of insanity and to individually declare your ‘bene-volence’—your desire to go unto others. This is how Jesus asserted His godlikeness. Indeed your Father is a benevolent God.”