Thought Adjuster: “What does Conscious Living entail? This is a topic well worth investigating. First of all, the great difference between an animal and a human being is that the former is not conscious that it is alive—it is not conscious of its selfhood. Yet, many human beings live as automatons, without allowing sufficient time for inner reflection and thus failing to bring forth many of the fruits of Spirit.
“Just as is the case for the animal kingdom, the human race is called to meet a great variety of basic requirements for its sustenance. Yet, those have a much greater meaning, as your body is the precious chalice of your still embryonic soul.
“What then does it take live consciously at the soul level? Which nutrients do you feed your soul? Are they of a very generic and mind-numbing fast food type? Or are they carefully selected from your environment?
“Your being is foremost vibratory. This is the part of you that will survive the physical death to ‘ascend’ to higher experiential realms. Yet, as you well know, a vibration can only raise as high as what it is made of, as demonstrated by the notes of a musical scale. Sopranos and Baritones are worlds apart in their vocal range and, no matter how much a baritone would wish to sing like a soprano—or vice versa—it is an impossibility.
“Such is not the case when pertaining to the spiritual vibrations of your being. By living ‘consciously’ at that level, you learn to carefully and wisely monitor the quality of your vibrational environment. Let us use as a metaphor the vibratory influence emanating from your digital devices or the news stations you tune in, thus granting them access to your auric field? What do they release? How does it affect you?
“In these chaotic planetary times, much mean-spiritedness, hate, anger, sarcasm, harsh judgments are being constantly ‘broadcasted.’ Those are very real emotional pollutants and they are highly contagious and detrimental to your overall wellbeing. Yet, you do invite them in your home sanctuary without any discernment and let them brainwash and ‘heartwash’ you. How does it make you feel? Better or worse? Empowered or disempowered? The answers are obvious.
“Again, no matter which belief systems you currently subscribe to, remember that you are a spiritual being and that your spiritual welfare should come first and foremost. This is the reason why the life and teachings of Jesus are such ‘lifesavers’—forever relevant. He never faltered in the expression of higher vibrations—those of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. He was loving and compassionate—never sarcastic, contemptuous, or judgmental. Your world will never change for the better, no matter how much you kick and scream, if you do not tune down your own behavior, thus allowing for your Inner Guide to speak to your in the STILLNESS of your heart. This is what conscious living is all about.”