Mother Nebadonia: “Dear child, this is Mother Nebadonia. There are times in life when children need to feel the love of their mother. The mother is a very important figure in the early child development as the children are in many ways still intimately connected with the nurturing presence of their mother. The birth separation is only partial when the umbilical cord is being severed. The children start functioning as independent organisms and yet, they remain connected to the maternal essence through nursing. Through nursing, the newborn children are still enjoying a period of deep connection with their mother. Being born as mortals is experiencing the first period of many, many transitions that they will experience during their eternal career.
“From the early stages of life to the later ones, human creatures are evolving mostly through slow and steady transitions. Time is needed for growth, development, and evolution. Too often, my human offspring do not realize how important it is to be grounded in each present moment, rather than chasing after an ungraspable future. Peace of mind comes with that deep connection with the present moment. Being over focused on the past or the future is like bringing into your inner sanctum some air drafts which threaten to blow away your being-ness. You can only “be” in the present moment. It is also in the present that you be-come or come to be who you truly are.
“By striving to “be present” in each moment, you are expanding your awareness of the gifts and opportunities contained in them. The present is the only place in space and time where you can be effective. The decision making process occurs moment by moment and sets your course. Do not underestimate the power of the present. Rather, empower it even more by investing your attention and your efforts in making each moment count.
“Living consciously infers that your whole being is focused on making each moment count. How many moments of your life have been lived as an automaton, stuck into a routine? What remains of these moments? No worthwhile memories. Yet, the memories which are standing out in your mind are the ones when you were immersed in the intensity of specific moments. At these times, your emotions were intense – not dulled by the lull of daily repetitions.
“At the beginning of each day, take the renewed resolution to be aware so that you can grasp the tiny details which enhance your daily experience and spice it up. At the end of each day, reflect on your experience and see how transformative this practice is.”