Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you are praying to disengage yourself from the lower emotions of bitterness or resentment that you feel toward those who somehow caused you grief, you come to realize that these relationships were in your life for a reason: they made your realize that there is within you some unwanted emotions who still lay dormant and are being activated by such catalysts. It is all what these situations are: catalysts and activators. They may at first activate sorrow and grief in your being but then it is yours to decide how to deal with them. Resentment and bitterness are emotions which have been inherited over the course of many generations and are still part of your DNA.
“The good news is that you live at a time when the DNA can be upgraded and new patterns can be born in your being at various layers. Where do you choose to go to with your thinking? Many situations, due to lack of open communication, lead you to take a wild guess as to their deeper cause and this guess work could be compared to shooting blindfolded. Your target may turn out to be entirely the fruit of your imagination--a ghost target.
“The truth shall set you free. Haven’t you noticed that, frequently, when someone’s true motivations come to light, they are entirely different from what you had supposed them to be and that much personal grief could have been avoided by assuming the best case scenario rather than the worst.
“In any case, all these complex emotional dealings bring to the fore areas of work in progress within you. You are truly a construction site and sometimes construction sites present potential dangers and the workers have to wear a hard hat to remain safe.
“View your life as a construction site and do not wear your heart on your sleeves as it is not where it belongs. Your heart is at the core of your being, like an inner sun. Whenever you come from your heart, you are dipping into the universal love substance and you are strengthened. Protect your heart from the emotional meteorites aiming at putting it in a state of turmoil. Your heart is functioning optimally only when it is in a state of peace. The same goes for your physical heart. A peaceful heartbeat allows you to think clearly while arrhythmia triggers fear.
“Become aware of your emotional arrhythmia which is a sure warning that you need to go in the Stillness in order to put an end to these unsettling symptoms. Your heart is truly your sanctuary, a place of recharging your spiritual and emotional batteries, a place of connecting with your Divine Source and Center, a safe place.”