Teacher: “Dear child, you just read in The Urantia Book about the reasons why human mortals can be called sons and daughters of God. You are the faith children of God. What a statement it is! Just by believing in your filiation with the Father of All, you are establishing that most precious spiritual lineage. Your free will is the element within you which allows you to decide of your filiation.
“Some of you are oblivious of this possibility and as long as it is the case, they truly are less than what they have been designed to be. Would you rather be a son and daughter of man or a son and daughter of God? When given such a choice, the answer is pretty obvious. Yet, so many on this planet are only functioning at their mortal human level. They are not making an informed decision on how to invest their life energy. Due to their limited understanding and short sighted perspective, they cannot grasp the meaning of their life beyond the understanding they are getting from their physical senses.
“It is like living in a house where the windows to the outside world are closed shut and have never been opened. The human being living in that house is not aware of the bigger universe out there. Life may send some upheavals such as strong winds or rainfalls so that the shutters of their house may be broken open – thus revealing the true potentials of freedom available to each soul.
“Once you come to realize that you are important in the eyes of the Divine, that you matter and that you have an eternal potential, then you can start living your life with a new awareness which will drive you to look for eternal values in everything you do. These eternal values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are like magic sprinkle. By focusing in such objectives, you are transforming your reality in a much higher dimension. You are like the fairy tale frog turning into a prince.
“You are hosting Divine Royalty. Your Divine Fragment deserves your respect. Treat the temple of your body with utmost respect so that it truly can be the House of God. Reflect on that as you go through your day, dear one. The more you live with the awareness that the Father is truly within you and that Spirit is blessing you with amazing influences of Light, the more your life will unfold in a new dimension – little traveled so far.
“Keep investigating this new dimension. Your freedom is one of its elements. The more you freely chose to do the Father’s Will, the more life will bring you opportunities to do so. The better you do it in small things, the more the Father will be able to trust you in bigger ones. Keep working at qualifying yourself for the Father’s trust. As you become more and more trustworthy, your life will bring you more and more opportunities of service, of selfless service.”