The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You would like for Me to expand on Forgiveness. Indeed, Forgiveness is one essential element to foster peace—in your life and in the world. Your Master Jesus was coined as the Prince of Peace. Yet, He also earned the title of Prince of Forgiveness.

“Not only did He come to embody Forgiveness, but He also introduced this revolutionary concept to the human consciousness. How so? Think about the various epochal revelations that preceded His incarnation on your planet. They taught the basics of spirituality, but mankind was still too immature spiritually to be told about Forgiveness. The Ten Commandments were exhortations ‘not to’ perpetuate hurtful behaviors. They were safeguards meant to prevent the worst in human behaviors.

“Jesus spoke and acted out a brand-new message of Forgiveness. It truly was a revolutionary message, as it was entirely out of the box of the human thinking—It was almost out of the grasp of those who were living according the motto “one eye for an eye.” Now, they were told to turn the other cheek! A huge gap separated these two approaches to the same reality.

“Jesus also told them to love the very enemy they despised and wanted to retaliate against. Even to His disciples, such new behavioral concepts were not easy to wholeheartedly embrace.

“However, no matter how much resistance it encounters, Forgiveness is the only way to Peace. It creates a spiritual buffer zone that deflects the forces of evil by making them fall on deaf ears, so to speak. If someone was bullying you with the intention to drive you to irrational reactions and you totally ignored such a trigger, having realized the immaturity of the perpetrator, he would be left without any hold on you and that would come as a surprising shock to him. Such a shock may be his wake-up call to reflection and genuine introspection.

“For-give-ness is truly a gift—much greater than you can initially fathom. It sets you free in many ways. By practicing the quality of ‘instant’ forgiveness as exhibited by Jesus, you become untouchable and all insults cannot find their way within your psyche, just like water rolls off a duck’s back. Thus doing, evil becomes eventually disempowered for lack of return in kind.

“Dear ones, practice Forgiveness moment by moment. Ask Me to guide you in this process and call upon the guidance of the Prince of Forgiveness, since you wish to follow His very footsteps.”

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