The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to you that, in order to evolve into the best version of yourself at the various levels of your being—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual—you have to ingest and integrate the best nutrition available to you at all these levels. Indeed, your all-around growth is being catered, even though some of its components are invisible and somewhat intangible to you.

“You live in times when awareness is rising as to the best type of nutrition for your body—organic and NGMO. This in itself constitutes a return to the source as so many food categories have been denatured based on the motive of greed.

“The Father in Paradise is not greedy. He is Generosity. Yet, in some way, His Hands and Feet are tied by the free-will decisions of His progeny. On your world, due to the misguided rebellion of a few, humankind is still suffering serious setbacks. Indeed, Lucifer and his cohorts not only denatured the human DNA, but they also defiled the Truth, Beauty and Goodness that are the optimal soul food.

“Jesus—the Prince of Truth—came to bring back organic soul nutrients. At Pentecost, He bestowed His Saving Spirit upon mankind while Mother Spirit was bestowing Her Holy Spirit. Due to Christ’s unprecedented victory over evil, the Father in Heaven was also able to dispatch His Personal Fragments to indwell His children. What a stupendous moment it was! Finally, the Heavenly Forces got a strong foothold in enemy territory.

“This stronghold still exists within each one of you. The question to ask yourself is whether it is on active duty or in idle standby due to your inner resistance and complacency. Dear ones, yours is to empower within your own life these powerful spiritual influences. They are the most organic spiritual food you could wish for and can disable the inner tendencies that you have inherited over time from those who highjacked your world and kidnapped you at birth. The Spirit of Truth is here to help you reclaim your divine birthright. What a blessing it is!”

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