The Inner Sherpa



“The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole.” [UB1094:7, 100:1]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, let us talk about Late Bloomers. Is there such thing as a late bloomer? This is worth pondering.

“The Father is the Master Gardener. He is the one scheduling the planting and the harvesting seasons. He is the one designing and orchestrating the breathtaking landscaping of His cosmic Garden.

“From your human perspective, it is tempting to assume that some of the Father’s plantations have failed or are late bloomers. Such is not the case. Just as an artist starts with the background of its canvass, the Father’s Landscaping is initiated at very minute and yet foundational levels. Timing is of the essence on the worlds of Time and Space.

“Beauty itself is not static as it evolves within the different stages of growth. It could be compared to a magnificent and vibrant display of fireworks. One by one the fireworks are being shot toward the starry skies, starting with the less elaborate ones and dispatched in a crescendo until the Grand Finale. This is how the feelings of the upholders get constantly uplifted until they reach an emotional climax.

“If such a spectacle was to be played backward —starting with the magnificent Grand Finale and reversing to the initial and lest complex fire crackers, the beholders would very quickly loose all interest and become bored and unsettled.

“The Father loves suspense and this element of suspense keeps everyone enthralled at the edge of their sit. Do not resent such suspense. It is what spices up your life experience.

“Viewed from that perspective, nothing and no one is ever a late bloomer. The Grand Finale of a divine firework is not an afterthought. It is the astonishing manifestation of the patient and meticulous planting and nurturing of a staggering diversity of seedlings—each one in their own timing. The emotional climate of the cosmos provides the seasonal elements needed to bring each seed to full bloom—some sooner than others just as the gestational periods among the plant or animal kingdoms greatly differ.

“Trust in the fact that Father knows best and that you are included in that Divine Timing. Be patient with your own growth and make the best out of each one of its stages as none of them can be bypassed. Rejoice in the grounded experience of the caterpillar as much as you will rejoice in the aerial one of the butterfly.”

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