The Inner Sherpa



“No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor’s attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believes.” [UB 1641:04]

Thought Adjuster: “At the present time, your world is fraught with misinformation—much of it disseminated in iniquity in order to increase the level of confusion already existing. Rather than being distraught by such a state of affairs, remind yourself of your own God-given Informant—Me, your Divine Fragment who ALWAYS knows the uncontaminated Truth.

Which source of information would you rather subscribeto? The discordant so-called News that cannot possibly reflect the whole truth, since they cannot even agree on one single version? Or My peaceful, comforting, and soothing Voice that never indulges in gossip or hearsay, as It is constantly connected to the Source?

Do not concern yourself when the truth you deeply feel within your heart seems to clash with the perceptions of the world. Indeed, do not compromise the integrity of your inner truth. It is your treasure—whether or not it is acknowledged as such by others. Absolute truth is always paired with a feeling of Knowingness and it also strikes chords in your heart. Indeed, your mind and your heart have to unanimously agree on Truth, as it is how it is validated and renders you immune to the attempts of your pairs to convince you otherwise.

The more you base your life’s decisions on My leadings, the more truth will be divulged to you, as I will help you avoid the quicksand of lies and deceptions. My Truth is your terra firma, your holy ground. It is grounding. It is the much-needed backbone making you receptive to more truth—moment by moment, one personal revelation at a time.”

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