Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you can count on the unchanging laws which rule the cosmos. You can count on the sun greeting each brand new day. So many things can be easily taken for granted if you do not stop and think about them. What would be your life without them? What would be your life without the warmth of the sun, without the moisture of the rain, without the air freely provided? What about relationships such as partnerships and friendships? What about your spiritual life and all the beings supporting it on both side of the thinning veil?
“The more you live with awareness about all the gifts manifested in your life, the more your heart stays in a place of gratitude and peace. Gratitude is the booster shot to your mood. It is instantaneous. A grateful heart perceives the multitude of blessings which by far outweigh any perceived lacks.
“On this planet, many people live under very dire circumstances where their most basic needs are not met. Many have hunger in their bellies; many have hunger in their hearts--hunger for love; many have hunger in their mind--hunger for knowledge and understanding; many have hunger in their spirits--hunger for high quality spiritual food.
“This is why those who have received much can be divine instruments to share with those who are not as fortunate – at all levels. Share your love with others and everything else will fall into place. Your possessions will truly be multiplied by sharing them with others. Hungry souls can easily be fed by the sharing of your experiential truth, rather than by abstract dogmas and belief systems, which have often become stale.
“Share your treasure of wisdom as they can be put to good use by all and they can become a shortcut for their spiritual life. Isn’t it how you are gathering your own precious tidbits of truth? The internet, books, social media are very practical means of sharing meaningful information--of disseminating it. They too are used by Spirit to reach out to the multitude.
“The more you share, the more your own supplies of Truth and Love will be replenished by the Father as you allow His infinite Love and Truth to flood your being to be shared with others.”