The Inner Sherpa



“Anxiety must be abandoned. The disappointments hardest to bear are those which never come.” [UB 557:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above quote deeply resonates with you as your life has not been devoid of anxieties, anguish, worries and their acolytes. Yet, when you examine the situations that put you in such a tormented state of mind, you realize that—whether or not you worried about them—the situations would evolve according to their own potentials—working themselves out.

“You also recognized that worrying drains you from your daily “energetic quota.” Your organism is electro-chemical. It has to be sustained through the ingestion of the right nutrients—physical food for the physical body, and the right energies and emotions for your emotional and spiritual well-being.

“Whenever you let worries invade your precious mental space, you are ingesting mental nutrients that are indigestible. They will cause emotional heartburns and could even trigger diseases in your being as they weaken your resistance. You become what you ingest.

“Worries are “energy vampires” that drain you from your ability to act. “What if scenarios” are unreal and yet, by over focusing on potential adverse outcomes, you are drawing them in your field of reality. You are so to speak “energizing ” these ghosts in your mind, giving them a life of their own.

“What about trading worries for worship? Would it revolutionize your own way to look at life? Worship has the magical power to metamorphose the “frogs of worry” into the “Princes of Gratitude.” There is so much to be grateful for as Gratitude zooms on WHAT IS true, beautiful and good—not on WHAT COULD BE bad and ugly. What a waste of precious time and energy it is to constantly feed these carnivorous thought forms that eat at your being and rob it from its zest for life!

“Dear ones, go on a worry fast! Detoxify your mental/emotional being! Once you successfully flush out these mental parasites, you will emerge more joyful and energetic. Isn’t it worth practicing? What is there to lose? Worries? Good riddance!”

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