Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you were reading in The Urantia Book about the extraordinary multitude of the beings in service in the universes, you understood more in depth that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The Father’s Plan is of an infinite magnitude and it truly will take eternity and beyond to get a faint understanding of the love infused Divine Vision.
“Your earthly life is your first practice ground. It may appear to you that there is a great diversity – and there is – in your potential contacts on this planet; yet, from our perspective, it is still very limited. However, there are plenty of creatures and beings with whom you can establish loving relationships as it is the purpose of your physical life.
“The more authentic love you experience and share with others, the more you expand your own divinity-- God likeliness. Based on the expansion of your heart, the Father will introduce to you more lovable and lovely beings. Yet, due to human immaturity and prejudices, the Father has to wait until such doors can be opened to you. Your immediate assignment is to master Love while on this planet.
“In a sense, every life lesson has ultimately something to do with Love. It reveals to you where you stand in the Now moment in relation to Love. “What would Jesus do?” is truly the question to ask in order to receive the needed guidance whenever you feel conflicted. The answer to that question has ALWAYS something to do with the Golden Rule of treating others as you want to be treated. The answer to that question is devoid of bitterness and resentment from the past. It is rather filled with positive anticipation knowing that there is a Divine Fragment in each one of your brothers and sisters and that you can help them activate that wonderful Divine Catalyst by responding to them in a mature and loving way, a way they may not have anticipated in the midst of a challenging situation.
“The element of surprise that you thus unleash due to your reaction from the heart puts their being in a state of shock which may lead them to rethink their own emotional and spiritual make-up. When a heart stops, the nursing staff shocks it with electrodes in order to restart it. Sometimes, the Divine has to allow such heart stopping situations to take place in order to reboot your heart and raise its frequencies.
“Stop for a minute to recall when such situations occurred in your own life, these moments when someone surprised you with a beautiful response to a difficult situation and set a new reaction pattern for you to apply to your own life. Jesus was such a role model and His life is filled with such positive reaction patterns, in alignment with the Divine Will of Unconditional Love. Those are definitely very big shoes to fill and, upon your asking, Jesus will become your personal Coach in that growth process. How blessed you are!”