The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I am a good listener. You wonder each morning what will be the topic of our daily conversation. You even feel some anxiety as to whether or not you will be up to your own expectations—indeed these are your expectations, not Mine.

Human beings tend to have very unrealistic expectations for themselves and, by doing so, they place undue pressure upon themselves. My expectations for your life are as realistic as it gets. I deal in realities--not in wishful thinking nor sandcastles.

Surely, I have a Vision for your life. Yet, it is realistic and based on what I know for a fact to be within your qualifications. My expectations are based on ‘do-ability’—on your ability to do. I will never expect anything else from you. This should put you at ease. Indeed, I am only expecting the possible from you—not the impossible that you are at times expecting from yourself. What good does it do you to set the bar so hopelessly beyond what you can humanely reach?

The educational regimen I favor is the one of ‘baby stepping’—of progressing one step at a time. Aren’t patience and perseverance the best teachers?

Because I constantly listen to your inner dialogue and take your emotional pulse, I know best what you need at any given moment. At times, complacency may slow you down while, at others, overzealousness may cause you to quickly run out of steam. I am here to help you progress without losing your inner equilibrium. I am here to help you enhance the vibrancy of your being and tune down the shades that are not so becoming.”

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