Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the spiritual atmosphere on your planet can be compared to the weather patterns of high and low pressure. Many of you may feel stuck in lower spiritual atmospheric conditions and this feeling of powerlessness is hard to bear. Yet, once you come to the realization that you can take care of higher spiritual streams, God’s Streams, you become empowered. You are not meant to crawl in the dirt like a helpless caterpillar. You are meant to fly in higher spiritual realities but it is your responsibility to take the free-will decision to do so.
“Visualize yourself as being a kite. A windy day is most auspicious for the kite to be launched successfully by taking advantage of these seemingly adverse winds. Winds can be turned to your advantage as you learn to negotiate their currents. The launching of a kite may require a few failed attempts before it can rise to higher levels. Yet, each crash also points to a better way to tackle this ascension process.
“Eventually sufficient skills will be honed and the launching process will be successful every single time as you will grow your spiritual wings and become a master at reading the currents and harmonizing your free will with the Divine Will.
“Whenever you feel at the mercy of lower emotional currents, shift into your “kite mode”; go into a rampage of gratitude as gratitude is the wind propelling your spiritual sail. Gratitude will unfailingly pluck you out of depression or any dark emotions as they are incompatible with one another. Gratitude will make your kite soar in a purified atmosphere from which the planetary chaos will have no longer any pull on your soul.
“Once you experience such a freedom from fear and anguish, you will no longer want to return to these oppressive states of mind. You will claim your independence from them by fueling your sail with gratitude and you will be out of the reach of the bottom feeders that are trying to entice you to join their sorry pack as misery loves company. Happiness loves company too and such a company is safe, uplifting, and blissfully addictive.
“Live each day with awareness and carefully handpick your human associations. Defect from any group consciousness that does not contribute anything of value to your inner life and that deflatesyour spirit by taking God’s wind out of your sail. Join forces with the workers of the Light and all darkness will be held at bay, as you will become a master at focusing only on the silver lining of each life situation.”