The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You were reflecting on your individual ‘solar system.’ Indeed, you could compare yourself to a sun sitting at the center of its very own solar system. Your heart is the bright and luminous astral body that has been conceived to radiate Love and Warmth to All That Is orbiting around you.

“The Father conceived the entire multi-verse based on the original archetype of the Isle of Paradise. From the First Source and Center, Love is being eternally emitted and equally irradiates All That Is.

“The difference between your micro solar system and the macro solar system of the Father/Mother of All Solar Systems is that you are not able yet to exclusively radiate unconditional love. If you were to visualize what occurs in your mini solar system, you would detect many ‘sun spots’—darker and cooler areas on the surface of your ‘heart/sun.’ Indeed, very frequently you withhold your love and light from those whom you consider as irrelevant and unlovable—those who possibly are the most in need of your Love and Light.

“If your sun was acting in the same discriminative manner, this would run havoc on the climate of your world. Some areas would be in a deep freeze, while others would be thriving. Yet, the overall picture would not reflect the harmony that has been conceived by the Father to be manifested all over His Creation.

“Dear ones, as you go through your day, monitor frequently the thermostat of your heart. Do not allow for the Love and Warmth it emits to fluctuate. Rather, find a way to set it on cruise control. Resist the urge to shut it down when it is challenged. Keep it open and send out unconditional love. Such a love has the power to move mountains of resistance and to crack open the most recalcitrant hearts.”

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