The Inner Sherpa



Mother Mary: “Dear child, you called upon my presence and here I am. It is as simple as that. As an ascended being, I can access all the layers through which I have already ascended as I opened this personal trail through my own efforts towards perfection. It is truly a long road to freedom. As a human being, I was faced with many personal challenges – just as each one of you are. Through these apparent resistances arising in my life, I was actually confronted with the parts within me which needed to be “re-formed”.

“I was immensely blessed to be selected to be the biological mother of Jesus Christ. I also was his full fledged mother and caretaker. Due to His outstanding personality and shining example, I was very often confronted with my many human shortcomings. I had a living mirror living with me, under my roof. At times, your mirror reflects back at you some unpleasantness that you have to acknowledge and deal with.

“My son was my Teacher; my son was my rock; my son was the father figure of our little family and in spite of His young age, He rose to the occasion and provided His brothers and sisters with wise guidance and loving oversight.

“As an imperfect human being, I did not always grasp how important my son was to this world. Yet, from the other side of the veil, it became abundantly clear to me and I am now wholeheartedly supporting the Father’s work.

“I too want to be a positive and uplifting spiritual influence in this world. I have the privilege of being allowed to reach out to many of the human children. I have much motherly wisdom to share as I have a rich experience of motherhood. I wish to nurture each one of those who turn their face toward me.

“The motherly heart can be developed in each human daughter, whether or not she is a biological mother. Each generation has a function in regard to the other generations. The older generations naturally come into the parental position toward the younger ones. They can share with them their experiential wisdom which is truly the treasure they accumulated through their life. My wish for my children is to infuse them with my own wisdom and loving guidance. I have been a tested student and I now am in a position to teach what I learned. This is part of the eternal give and take.”

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