The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Isn’t it amazing that so much is contained in Silence? Let us ponder that for a moment. In total silence, there are no interferences of sounds and this bestows on the silence a quality of infinity.

“This is the reason why bathing in the silence is so rejuvenating and resourcing. It quiets your mental chatter and keeps out the noisiness of the world. It soothes your whole being—especially your emotions, that are constantly firing up and shifting from one state to another, very abruptly at times. This depletes your energies very quickly, as an emotional roller coaster may cause you to experience an emotional burn-out that will result in wariness—adrenal burn-out.

“Indeed, your glandular system is interconnected with your emotional system—and much more. Silence is the great healer. It also requires for you to sit perfectly still, thus calming your electrochemical system as well.

“Often, many among you dread silence, as they equate it with boredom and discomfort. It may initially come across as such, since, once the worldly distractions have been removed, the experience of silence is foreign and one may at first go through serious withdrawal symptoms. Yet, this transition is necessary to get in touch with the very essence of your being.

‘Practice silence daily and soon, you will be the silent witness of your own transformation and healing. Silence is also a great adviser, as it allows My Still Small Voice to come through—without breaking the sacred bond of our silent communion.”

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