The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that there cannot be any springtime without the warmth of the sun’s rays. Metaphorically speaking, there cannot be any planetary spiritual springtime without Love in Action — the activation of the love particles that are encoded in everything there is.

“This has to start from within you. You well know that inner states of consciousness find their manifestation in outer reality. The constant ‘blame game’ that is sadly being played on your world is utterly unproductive as, whenever someone fails to take personal responsibility, that individual’s ability to be part of the planetary springtime is disabled, thus becoming a ‘disability’ — a personal handicap.

“Change takes place one person at a time. It is a chain reaction where all links have to wholeheartedly participate. It could be compared to a relay race where all runners do their utmost to contribute to the triumph of their team.

“There is a spiritual race taking place on your planet right now — a race against the ticking planetary clock as so many areas of life can be viewed as ticking time bombs if they failed to be attended to in a speedy and innovative manner.

“Complaining or blaming does not change anything. Rather, it all adds to the feeling of helplessness that prevents so many souls from taking much needed initiatives. “Stop blaming and start acting” would be a very appropriate planetary mantra.

“When a miner is stuck in an underground mine due to a collapse, he will start digging a tunnel from his side of the blockage in the hope that it will eventually connect him with the emergency response team working their way toward him from the surface before he runs out of oxygen. The same applies to the salvation of your world. Each soul has to become a willing rescue worker, doing the digging from within himself or herself so as to first uncover and remedy what is ‘malfunctioning’ within.

“When you move on to other realms, you won’t be asked how much blaming you did, but which actions you took to improve upon what you had identified as dysfunctional, thus changing yourself in the process.

“Indeed, everything you perceive as being out of place in your external world has a root in your inner world. If you look at others with contempt, there is a place within your heart that is cold and numb. If you look at them with compassion, it is a sure sign that your heart is functioning as intended and this is through such a refined emotion that the planetary atmosphere will be warmed up so that humanity can finally witness a breathtaking planetary spring of good will among men.”

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