The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought just came to your mind of how much you appreciate any tidbit of wisdom that eventually pops up in your conscious mind. You appreciate it, even more, when you have been asking questions and are engaged in trying to figure out their answers.

“Wisdom makes you wiser. This statement may appear obvious and yet, it is worth pondering for a moment. Wisdom can only make you wiser if it is correctly integrated into all the layers of your being. Wisdom is a legacy that you painstakingly accumulate during your existence.

“Your Master Jesus warned His followers about not throwing pearls to the swine. What did He mean by that? He meant that wisdom has to be met with appreciation. A blunt comparison would be to compare wisdom with wine. Cheap table wine is intended to be drunk with ordinary meals while pricier and aged wines are meant to be shared with one another on special occasions. They are meant to be slowly degusted so as to enjoy their elaborate bouquet. It would be considered as sacrilegious if you were to empty your glass just to quench your thirst as there is so much more to these rare wines.

“The same goes for wisdom. There is the so-called street wisdom--the wisdom acquired in the school of hard knocks. The challenges of life and the law of cause and effect are the teachers of such an experiential wisdom.

“On the other hand, you benefit from the wisdom of the ages--slowly harvested, generation after generation. Each generation benefits from the progress from the previous generations. This type of wisdom can be compared toexpensive aged wines contained in a huge wine cellar. Each bottle is carefully labeled as to its age and content;it can be pulled and opened as needs arise, depending on the special occasion and on the foods that it will complement. These festive wines are meant to be shared, to be enjoyed in a social setting.

“Yes, dear ones, wisdom is there to be shared. Wisdom can be extracted from any given situation, independently of its challenges. Wisdom is integrated into your being when you apply it to your life. Until such time as you have extracted the wisdom from a specific life lesson, this lesson may be repeated under various forms until you get it.

“Our Father in Heaven is the Source of all Wisdom and He is connected to you through His heavenly network. He knows of His children’s needs and in His infinite Wisdom, He provides for them. You can count on this. Your Mother Spirit provides you with the positive spiritual influence of Her Adjutant Mind Spirit of Wisdom—among others. It points to the fact that the acquisition of Wisdom definitely plays a big part in your ascension journey and in the ascension of humanity toward its full potential. It was said of Jesus that He grew in age and in wisdom. This is truly one of the highest goals of your physical life: to become wiser. This too is a form of intelligence that needs to be nurtured.”

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