The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk some more about Gratitude. It is so important to understand what it is all about, as, together with Love and Compassion, it is one of the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Do take time to reflect on the quality of your ability to love, to be compassionate and grateful. To most of you, gratitude comes easy when it has to do with something ‘good’ happening to you. Yet, what you define as good can be very much on the surface of things.

Indeed, much Good happens below the surface. Yet, it is of the type that most of you fail to acknowledge and to which they respond ungratefully. Such an ‘undercover’ Good is met with resentment and bitterness, as the human nature tends to meet challenges with resistance and the demeanor of a hostile witness.

Look back at your life. Now that you have acquired some distance from some of its difficult occurrences, how do you view them? I am certain that you realize that they too were carriers of blessings. Just as a beautiful baby emerges from its mother’s womb amidst her birth pangs, much wisdom is born from the apparent upheaval and momentary chaos of your life’s circumstances. Yet, they build you up if you look at them that way, rather than believing that they tear you down, by ruthlessly taking away what is dear to you.

The Father does not randomly strip you from your attachments. He always substitutes what He takes away from you with something better and growth-promoting. How many among you have come to realize that such a somewhat radical Divine Intervention has birthed many unsuspected blessings?

Dear ones, no matter what life ‘throws’ at you, catch it with a grateful hand and ask Me to help you unwrap its hidden treasures, rather than handling them as you would handle hot potatoes. The Father is forever loving and that should be insurance enough that, in the end, only good will befall you and that you can turn the perceived bitterness of some of your life’s experiences into a wonderful sweet and sour blend that will greatly enhance your spiritual experience.”

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