The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, as you solicit our connection, the image comes to your mind that you are like a little submarine that wants to get the lay of the land by raising its periscope above the sea level in order to get a sneak preview into higher realms.

“Yes, whenever we witness the emergence of your periscope, we know that we’ve got your attention—that your vision is focused on a spiritual reality that seemed inexistent from the bottom of the sea perspective.

“Evolution is all about connections—all about collecting the pebbles that have been placed along the way by those preceding you in the human experience. Their little pebbles have been lovingly left behind in order to point you in the right direction rather than having you run in hopeless loops due to faulty orientation. You too are leaving loving clues along your way. What may at first be identified as a pebble may turn out to be a precious pearl of experiential wisdom. Never hesitate to share your light with others; it will truly light their path and help them change the quality of their life as they get to experience for themselves its multi facets.

“Whenever you go to the movies to watch a 3D* movie, you have to put on special goggles that enable this amazing holographic experience. Your life will become much more exciting when you put on your spiritual 3D—or even 5D—goggles. They will add so much to your reality and expand the playground of your life.”

Note: *A three-dimensional stereoscopic film (also known as three-dimensional film, 3D film or S3D film is a motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth perception, hence adding a third dimension

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