Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you may feel at times that this world has been left alone to deal with overwhelming problems and challenges. As you become more and more aware of the individual sufferings of each one of your earthly siblings, you feel a deep sadness as it seems impossible to relieve such an intense man-generated suffering.
“Do know that the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Courage is available to tap into. Courage is the back bone of your being--its spiritual spine—that helps you walk up straight. Courage is a virtue which has a quality of transcendence. Courage is what lifts a soul up in its time of need and courage is also what infuses beings with the strength to jump in when their intervention is needed to alleviate someone’s suffering or respond to a dire need, to an emergency situation.
“The fact that you are being tested in your life is also a door opener for the Spirit of Courage to step in. You always have the choice to put your arms down in defeat or to react and rise above the situation-- lifted by the Spirit of Courage. Invite such a powerful force into your daily life so that you may not be discouraged by whatever influences are threatening your inner fortitude.
“Your Master Jesus was always connected to that spiritual influence which also is related to the Peace that passes all understanding. Acts of courage are frequently spontaneous and are selfless. They are connected with the highest form of Love there is. Jesus was the epitome of Courage, the Prince of Courage, as well as the Prince of Peace. He was continuously marching on spiritually, moving forward, no matter which obstacles were thrown in His way. He was like an explorer, progressing though the jungle and cutting His way through the jungle of human emotions and shortcomings.
“Your spiritual counterparts will encourage you whenever you are marching forward with such a brave and steady attitude. Be the torch bearer for those who need to be inspired and shown their own dormant powers. Courage, infused with Love, is unstoppable and can move mountains. Do not let apparently insurmountable obstacles deprive you of your spiritual stamina. Do remember that you are NEVER alone and that myriads of spiritual assistants are joyfully and lovingly volunteering to lift your vision above the perceived obstacles and to guide you with their bird-eye-view through the complex labyrinth of your life experiences.”