The Inner Sherpa



“Remember, even if prayer does not change God, it very often effects great and lasting changes in the one who prays in faith and confident expectation.” [UB 98:03]

Thought Adjuster: “After reading the above statement, the thought entered your mind that, whenever you engage in heartfelt prayer, you are, metaphorically speaking, paying a visit to the cosmic-wide spiritual exchange institutions, trading your prayers for strong energetic currencies circulated in higher realms.

“The Father is unchanging and absolute. It should come as a relief that He is immune to any emotional blackmail or manipulation. He does not cut any deals. He does listen when you plead your case and considers your arguments before ruling on your petitions.

“The Father is all-wise; you are certainly not. He does not favor anyone, as He loves all equally. It is primordial that your prayers be honest, even though some of their expression may be inadequate. By expressing what weighs on your heart, you set in motion a process that provides you some clarity and comfort. Trust in the fact that I, your Divine Indweller, will edit your prayers to make them more kosher or that I will direct your attention to their elements that fall short of the criteria of the Highest Good.

“Over time, you will come to trust in this mysterious process, as ‘by asking,’ you are shifting to a state of positive anticipation. All prayers are heard and answered in a fashion that serves your highest good—nothing less, and never at the detriment of the overall highest good.

“Eventually you will come to recognize that you dodged many bullets by the very fact that your candid prayers did not yield the hoped-for outcome. Indeed, a good parent always considers the welfare of the children—fulfilling their needs, but not necessarily consenting to their wants.”

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