The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Part of Christianity has been misled into subscribing to the AtonementDoctrine that claims that the shedding of innocent blood was required to appease the God of unconditional love. Can you make sense of such a blatant inconsistency?

You live in the Correcting Time when wrongs shall be set right during this new epochal dispensation of unprecedented spiritual renaissance and enlightenment. A clash of titanic magnitude is occurring between the light and darkness workers. The latter brazenly come out of hiding to normalize the abnormal. Theyeven hold demonic rituals, having foolishly traded their eternal destiny forshort-lived self-gratifications. Thiscan no longer be ignored.

Those devoid of empathy and compassion deprive innocents of their liberties, sacrificing them on abject altars to get on the non-existent good side of loveless, self-glorified bad‘influencers.’ They belong toa narcissistic self-anointed ‘elite’ who stop at nothing to sustain their evil and despicable lifestyles.

Uglytruthsare revealed,which puts many unsuspecting souls in a state of shock when faced with the far-reaching tentacles of the underworld.  Denial is their initial reaction. As facts are disclosed ‘beyond any reasonable doubt’ and ‘by a preponderance of the evidence,’ a great parting of the spiritual seas will occur. 

In these confusing times, know that the truth will ultimately prevail, as it stands on solid ground. Help its emergence by working on your authenticity and truthfulness. It will reach critical mass when enacted—not merely professed.”

Justice is truth in action IS.jpg
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