The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, this is a very far reaching question. As you well know, the foundational values of the Father’s creation are Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. These are the pillars on which Love can be enthroned as Love comes about through the unity – the trinity – and the interaction of these 3 ultimate values.

“Whenever the Father delegates to His Sons to partake into the creative process, it all occurs in Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Truth provides the blue print which has to be adhered to. Truth is God’s Will and it cannot be otherwise.

“Jesus Christ sent His Spirit of Truth to be a positive influence on the planet after His departure. Again, He left humanity with the blue print which can guide them to the Age of Light and Life. Truth is the light which dispels the darkness of any misconceptions. Truth is the knowledge which dispels ignorance. Truth is being compared to a sword as it cuts through untruth and is incompatible with it.

“As you stay in your truth and speak your truth, you too can cut through untruth and misconceptions. Truth is what is most needed on your planet in order to unearth all the seeds of untruth which have been disseminated a long time ago by the Lucifer Rebellion. Lucifer attempted to establish his power base through untruth and he generated unspeakable confusion on the planet as nothing can function harmoniously if not based on a tested blue print. Eventually a building will collapse when its foundation is unsound and rotten.

“The Spirit of Truth is applicable to everything there is. It is a wonderful reference to turn to whenever in doubt. It is available to you in the Stillness or whenever you stop and ask for guidance. The prerequisite to receive it is to keep an open mind and an open heart. The Spirit of Truth shall set you free!

“You often feel that life is a riddle that is difficult to solve. This is due to all the ill-intended programming to which humanity has been and is still being subjected. Learn to resurrect the truth within your being so that all grey areas can be dispelled and a clear path can be revealed to you and through you. As you diligently apply the truth that you identify, you are coming into alignment with the purpose of your own life and you are “truly” being empowered by this discovery. A tool becomes very useful once its purpose has been understood. Do become such a tool, such an instrument of the Divine. Be respectful of yourself as such! “

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