The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you are advancing in age, you can look back at your life's experiences from a different perspective. You came to understand that each chapter of your life was not final by itself but was taking you to the next stage of schooling and the next one. Some of these chapters may appear to be far from glamorous and yet they had a valuable content.

“The Father has to separate the wheat from the chaff in your being. You are born with both gifts and handicaps. A lot of them are the result of the lifestyles of the previous generations. Your ancestors’ achievements contribute to the initial starter kit of the seeds of your garden. Their shortcomings are also passed down to you in some measure—they are the chaff that is blended in the wheat.

“You also come the bearer of your own designer seeds—God’s unique gift of personality. How much will you be committed to help nurture and grow these amazing potentials? How much effort will you exert in your life in order to eradicate the threatening weeds out of your character? Such weeds—if left unattended—will eventually choke to death all the precious seeds of creativity and goodness that have been embedded in your spiritual flower-bed.

“The growing to a term of a plentiful harvest does not happen overnight. It requires the climatic contribution of the four seasons. It requires knowing when to plant and when to harvest. It requires fertilizing the soil and watering it sufficiently. It requires the rain and the sunshine. This is the reason why your life may appear chaotic at times.

“The harsh weather of winter precedes the breathtaking blooming seasons of spring and summer. Each life season has its purpose when you keep your eyes on the achievement of your life purpose. You would not develop the resiliency of your character if you had not to deal with challenging emotional weather patterns. Learn to expand your vision so that you can be grateful for the lessons that life brings your way as they are the scaffolding to higher education and the building block of a weathered character.

“Take the time to go within and reflect so as to be synchronized with the Divine Plan for your life. Aren’t you excited to witness the gifts of Spirit growing within you and that will eventually beautify your inner garden and send heavenwards beautiful fragrances of gratitude for the Divine Nostrils to enjoy?”

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