The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you can be an answer to someone’s prayer. Isn’t it an amazing thought? Many prayers are being sent upwards from bazillions of creatures and for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes life is so challenging that all that the creature can do is to pray in faith and believe against all apparent odds in a positive outcome.

“How many times in your own life have you experienced those moments of anguish in which you felt at the end of your wits, at the end of your rope and your resources? And yet, life went on and some stepping stone presented itself for you to regain your footing, thus preventing you from drowning in your sorrows. How many times have you prayed for those in need of prayer—not knowing what else to do to be of assistance?

“All these prayers emanating from a sincere heart are being heard as they have to be love infused in order to have meaning. All other prayers are just hollow lip service as they are not sincerely meant. They are devoid of power.

“Your Master Jesus always prayed through His open heart. This is also how He performed miracles. Whenever He was deeply moved by compassion and love for His fellow men, healing came forth—frequently so spontaneously and instantly that it was perceived as miracles disconnected from natural laws.

“You too, dear ones, can be someone’s miracle. You too can be the bearer of good news in someone’s life by being at the right place at the right time. You can be the key person used by the Father to touch someone’s life. You can truly be His Ambassadors of Love. What a privilege it is!

“Love needs many relay stations in order to be spread all over the planet. It is a network. Do lobby for Love and you will come to witness increasingly how you are being used to answer some prayers—to lift someone up, to come to someone’s rescue by following some invisible nudges. Such synchronicities are the source of great joy as they demonstrate to you that your prayers to be of service are being heard and answered and that you are being guided to answer some specific needs expressed in someone’s prayers—literally a match made in Heaven, an undeniable proof that the Father hears each one of you, cares about you, and lovingly guides you.”

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