The Inner Sherpa



“The love of the Father absolutely individualizes each personality as a unique child of the Universal Father, a child without duplicate in infinity, a will creature irreplaceable in all eternity.” [UB 138:04]

Thought Adjuster: “You are unique, you are loved, you are precious, you are irreplaceable. Those are mighty statements, aren’t they? This is how lovers speak to one another, cherishing the gift of their love and mutually appreciating the original beauty of their personality and its attached qualities.

“Each one of you is an expression of the First Source and Center. Each one of you has been individually gifted with amazing family traits that make you stand out from the crowd. Also, they speak volumes about the infinite wealth of the Divine Character that is continuously and forever expressing more of itself.

“If you are awed by the gifts and talents of your siblings, how much more should you star-struckby the stature of the Giver and the shining and flawless facets of His Being? Indeed, getting to know Him is an eternal life’s pursuit.

“The Existential God, by sharing of Himself with His creatures, wishes to experience His own creation through each one of them—including you! Your personality is one of the many striking outfits that He sports while indwelling you! His Divine Hand is meant to fit snuggly in the fitted glove of your personality.

“If you can live with the growing awareness that the Father is indeed in you and you in Him, you will eventually reach the much-coveted state of fusion—such an intimate connection that nothing will ever be able to pull you apart and your life will become a shining testimony to the fact that your will has become perfectly aligned with the Father’s Will and that many valuable co-creations are constantly springing forth from this spiritual intercourse, just as children are conceived through the intimate connection of their progenitors.”

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