The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that each gift presents a wonderful opportunity for service. Why is it so? Any gift and talent that you have been endowed with have been specifically customized for you for the edification and uplifting of others—not for mere self-gratification. Some of the enjoyment provided by sharing these unique gifts can be experienced when you listen to a beautiful singing voice or to a skilled musician. This “music to your ears” goes actually far beyond your physical senses as it penetrates your heart as well and triggers within you a response of joy and appreciation.

“Just the same, the expert work of an artist in his/her field of expertise contributes to the expansion of your heart through its expression of truth, beauty, and goodness. These three elements have to be included in the masterwork to make it so. Beauty devoid of truth does not go deep enough to activate the whole heart. Just the same, a good --and thus God-centered intention-- has also to be part of the creative mix so that the outcome can be of everlasting value.

“It is important that you dig deep within yourself with the assistance of your Inner Guide in order to come in touch with your own gifts and talents as they need to be activated in order for you to graduate to the status of co-creators. There is so much joy in the discovery of such gifts! Yet, you need to declare your willingness to be of service as each gift has been meant to be shared in service rather than being held captive within you. This is what your Master Jesus expressed in His parable of the silver talents.

“Many on your planet are envious of the gifts that are exhibited by others. Yet the Father does not favor anyone. Some gifts may be more apparent than others but nevertheless, everyone is gifted in many ways.

“The sharing of gifts is exponential. It is how the blessings get multiplied. Someone’s gift may be the catalyst for another individual to discover a dormant gift. Also, life situations may be the activators of your God-given potentials. Take the time to look back at your life and you will unfailingly recognize some specific trigger situations. At first, such situations may have been unwelcome and met with resistance. However, with the passing of time, they may be revealed as the factors needed to help germinate some beautiful seeds embedded in your character. The more you develop your potentials, the more thrilling your life will become as you will become an enthusiastic active participant rather than being a spiritual couch potato.

“Express your gratitude for whatever blessings you already have identified duringyour life's journey and be ensured that the Father has placed many more loving surprises within your being. They are for you to unwrap when the time is ripe so as never to be taken for granted. Your song of gratitude will be your own personalized thank-you note to the Giver of All.”

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