The Inner Sherpa



“Jesus’ life is the everlasting comfort of all disappointed idealists…” UB Paper 126, Section 4]

Jesus: “How could I claim to understand My creatures if I had not experienced the wide gamut of their emotions? As you well know, My earthly life was not “a walk in the park” and I can assure you that no one—in spite of exterior appearances—lives a challenge-free life, as such a life would be much wasted from the point of view of your spiritual growth.

Just as tiny seeds are planted in the soil in the hope that they will soon lose their seed status, as human beings you are born as blank canvasses and are equipped with all the necessary paint brushes and palette of colors to bring forth your very own expression. Will it be vibrant and beautiful? Or will it be a dull rendition? You are the one holding the brush. Yet, many of you fail to recognize that the Father and His multitude of educational helpers are holding your hand, teaching you to overcome its initial shakiness and to master the paint strokes.

It was not any different for Me, as I had to become gradually aware of My divinity. How else could I pave the way for you to do the same? Indeed, My life was profuse in disappointments, but I did not let them hold Me back. I learned to shake them off quickly and kept marching on, one step at a time.

Dear ones, do not allow for disappointments to plant the nasty weeds of grudges in your vulnerable being! Indeed, such emotional wounds could be the entry points for unwanted frames of mind and frames of heart. Rather, do accept what you cannot change and turn to your Indwelling Presence to regroup and figure out where to go from there. Your story may not turn out in the manner you initially envisioned it but it will surely surprise you by its many twists and turns, educate you, engrain in your much compassion and wisdom, and so much more.

Your life’s disappointments should not discourage you. They too have a greater mission. You would not have become the better version of yourself if they had not been powerful catalysts for birthing your potentials and putting you in touch with aspects of yourself that would have never been revealed otherwise. They are like the activators that reveal the invisible ink of your personality and define new contours on the canvass of your ongoing self-expression. A watercolor emerges one layer at a time and needs alternating periods of creativity and of inactivity so that the shades do not prematurely water each other down.”

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