The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, as you do, we look forward to our morning quality time. As you reach out to us, we respond instantly as we are eager to built eternal connections with our earthly family. In your world, you are still learning to relate to one another as siblings and it has been a lengthy process as the Lucifer Rebellion has promoted an ill-fated sense of independence.

“Through the gift of free will and the gift of your mind, you are in charge of your life decisions. You are free to make decisions but your freedom may be impinged upon by the consequences of your free will decisions.

“We too, beings from Higher Realms, have been endowed with a free will. As we are growing and maturing in our own experience, we are learning that our free will has been intended to join with the free will of our siblings. What do we mean by that?

“The Father’s Great Plan of co-creation has been conceived as a team effort. However, each member of the team has to volunteer to enlist. Once individuals enter in a mutual agreement of collaborating for the Highest Good, they are activating great powers. This is the principle of synergy, the energy which is amplified manifold when individual powers are combined. How ironic it is that it has taken your world so long to view that in a positive light!

“Armies have been formed to fight one another and to spread even more havoc on this already grief ridden planet. The synergy of these destructive forces needs to be counterbalanced with a synergy of LOVE. Love is a real energy. It exists. It flows through the universes for all to tap into.

“Connect with one another in love and compassion and you will become a brand new organism, a connected and healthy organism. An organism consists of various organs. In order to preserve its integrity and its good health, each organ has to function optimally. This is the reason why, as an individual, your foremost preoccupations should be to upgrade yourself and to correct within yourself whatever is dysfunctional. The Father is providing you with very qualified assistance in that healing process.

“As you become whole, instead of being divided in your own being, your true beauty will shine through. Each one of you is like a beautiful fragrant flower and, as you bloom and grow in wisdom, in truth, and in goodness, the beauty of your own being will attract other beautiful flowers and be attracted to them, thus forming an amazing floral arrangement whose sweet fragrance will raise to the Divine Nostrils and bring joy to The One who planted these seeds.

“Learn to look at one another keeping in mind the potential of perfection embedded in each one. Handle each other with care as you are precious and fragile. Assist each other in your growth process as big brothers and big sisters also play a very important part in the raising of their younger siblings.As you manifest new levels of oneness, you will also experience new levels of emotional well-being.”

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