The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have been asking how to stay strong while processing painful memories. I hear your plea and understand as I am ever present in your life. It has been filled with many moments of sadness and you have not allowed yourself to grieve the pain that you have felt. You have swept it under the carpet in order to remain strong and it has not been adequately dealt with.

“Do not worry about your current emotional state. It is a necessary step in the right direction even though you many feel otherwise. When you do office work, you have various filing baskets for ‘incoming and outgoing mails as well as for pending matters.

“Try to look at your emotions in the same manner. You constantly are flooded with new emotions—your very own in-basket. Some of them flow through you as they are supposed to. You witness them like you would follow a fish navigating the river. You accept them without resisting them and you allow them to live the course of their natural life. They naturally move through your ‘in – pending – and out’ emotional baskets.

“However, there are also more complex emotions that you have difficulty processing and seem to be stuck in your ‘pending matters’ baskets. They are trapped in that basket and because they do not feel good, you procrastinate and resist dealing with them. Yet, they are part of your emotional workload and are waiting for their resolution or ‘soul-ution.’

“Making the courageous decision to deal with them is definitely a step in the right decision even though it may awaken in you many painful memories that you had placed in a state of suspended animation—an emotional coma.

“I am with you any step of the way as I want to help you move through your complex emotional maze. I will guide your steps; I will hold your hand. Trust in that fact. You are not alone in it. I AM here now.”

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