The Inner Sherpa



“Do you not realize that the hope of a better nation—or a better world—is bound up in the progress and enlightenment of the individual?” [1630:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought entered your mind that you have lungs, so to speak: Your mind and your heart. Indeed, they both are needed for the intake of higher spiritual energies: the leadings of Spirit and the Love of your Spiritual Parent.

Ideally, the equilibrium between your mind and your heart should be natural just as your lungs function without your input to inhale and exhale life-sustaining oxygen. Yet, in reality, due to the imperfect world in which you live, this has become a conscious balancing act for many of you to work toward restoring or maintaining that equilibrium, as life throws at you a multitude of emotional ‘meteorites’ that impact your spiritual atmosphere.

I am your Indwelling Thought Adjuster and Thought Controller—your Thought Specialist. Nothing escapes Me and I am conversant in deciphering what is going on with your thinking and your feeling. I can help you modulate both these areas so that they work together harmoniously. It will require that you work at living consciously—that you be a willing participant in My Divine Intervention. This is how positive changes will come about. I will make you aware of your inner dysfunctions as they come up so that you can tackle them rather than allowing for them to take more space within you and restrict the breathing capacity of your heart and your mind. Trust Me, your spiritual aerobic capacity will be gradually enhanced.”

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