The Inner Sherpa



“Very important is the work of preparation for the next higher sphere, but nothing equals the importance of the work of the world in which you are actually living.” [UB555:05]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind as you are settling in the Stillness that it is like showing up for a regular spiritual chiropractic adjustment. You keep your daily appointment and patiently sit in the consultation room, waiting for your Health Practitioner to arrive, once you have adequately settled down so that the session can be productive.

“Chiropractors make subtle adjustments to your physical frame, always ensuring that you are in a relaxed state to prevent any injuries. You have to be relaxed in order to receive. The same goes for the imperceptible spiritual adjustments you are receiving when you spend time in the Stillness with your ‘Spiritual Chiropractors’.

“Truly, you don’t need to understand the process, as most of it occurring on the superconscious level of your being. Over time, it may trickle down to your subconscious mind, eventually reaching your conscious mind in due timing. This is what you experience as ‘flashes of insight’ or ‘epiphanies.’ The seed planted in your subconscious mind finally comes to full bloom in the soil of your conscious mind for you to harvest and behold.

“As in everything you do, what matters is the correct setting of high intentions. The best outcomes naturally stem from the highest and purest intentions. This is the reason why it is important to go through your life with much awareness—to awaken to what life is all about.

“You will greatly benefit from any time spent in the Stillness, as it is where the seeding season occurs that is the indispensable prerequisite for a bountiful harvest. The seeds planted by Spirit and Its tendering your inner garden will prevent the invasive and untamed weeds of lower influences to take rootin your being and depreciate its beautifully manicured landscaping.”

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